The Power of Conferred Grace
Webster’s describes grace as a “disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency.”
Grace is this incredible unstoppable force that creates a path for good in the world.
Here are some real-life examples of how grace works today – right now. Every once in a while during our monthly clinics, healthy adults stop in to thank us for and remind us of the care (a.k.a. grace) that they received from Niños Incapacitados years ago.
We have been around for 50 years, and we are a well-established chain of grace. Mothers currently work for us as a way to give back because their children have been helped by Niños. One of those mothers lost her child several years ago. Yet she pays it forward by continuing our work – obviously, she is powered and strengthened by grace towards other sick children.
Several weeks ago, we lost an eight-year-old boy to his infirmity. His mother brought back to us the wheelchair that we had given him with the express intent of making sure that another child had a wheelchair.
She brought that to us two days after her own beloved son succumbed as an act of grace for another child. The light of grace abounds in this small corner of a big world.
And then there are the grace-dispensing volunteers who work in our clinics – listen to what they have to say:
“Many times, the parent who comes to the clinic does not have the privilege of an extensive support network and we try to fill that void as best we can. Sometimes we cry with them; give a simple hug with encouragement to push through the challenges; and celebrate any good news they share with us about their children."
“I’ve found that people all over the world basically want the same things; a job to be able to provide for their family, a roof over their heads, good education and opportunities for their kids, and of course, a healthy family. The families we service strive for all of these things as well but have been handed a bad card concerning the health of one or more of their children. These kids are truly incapacitated, but the parent(s) do everything within their power to provide as best they can. I feel that what we do is to provide a hand, not a handout, to these hard working and caring parent(s) to help them try to provide a better quality of life for their incapacitated child/children. To see the gratitude in the parents’ eyes and to hear it in their voices helps me see the positive in life and changes my perspective, focusing on my blessings and opportunities that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. It is a win-win situation; the parents win through our support, and I win through a fulfilled, joyous purpose.”
Are you interested in being a link in a chain of grace? How could you not be? As you read this, I hope you understand the grace you have received in your life and the grace that you can confer. The world is a considerably scary place, and it may feel as if there is little grace right now. But there is grace within you – and you can confer it on children in need who are right in front of us in our community by donating or volunteering with us.
To donate:
To volunteer:
Many thanks,
President, Niños Incapacitados